Distance Guided Complex

National University “Lvivska Polytechnika” together with Limited Company «AVIKOS-ELECTRON» are working on the creation of the system of technical sight control for the development of algorithms of pattern recognition and analysis of stages. The elements of these systems passed approbation on the self-propelled controlled from distance guided complex, that is exploited on Chornobylska AES.
The self-propelled distance guided complex (SDOUC) is the guided mobile device, intended for fragmentation, collection and loading in the primary containers of toxic wastes, radio-activity of which does not allow the presence of the personnel.
Structurally SDOUC is the self-propelled complex radio guided on a distance not less than 50 meters. SDOUC forsees the possibility of work with the various types of equipment (by a scoop, grab, hydrohammer, hydroshears, disk saw).

Fig. The self-propelled distance guided complex

1. Base undercarriage – miniexavator of ATEC-711A-711А production of Joint-Stock COMPANY «ATEC» (Kiev).
Operating mass, kg – 4500.
Overall sizes (in transport position):
- length, m – 5,00;
- width, m – 1,55;
- height, m – 2,40.
Max height of unloading, m – 3,25
Max depth of digging, m – 3,00
High speed of movement, transport, cm/hour – 3,5
Clirens, mm – 300
Maximal slope at motion, hail – 15.
Type of working device – caterpillar.

2. System of remote control
Number of technological operations in simultaneous remote control mode – 2.
Time of continuous work, hour – 8.
Consumable power, Vt, no more – 100.
Frequency of radio channel, Mhz – 433,92.
Feed – tension of direct current, In – 12

3. System of technical sight
Technical descriptions are resulted in guidance on exploitation on STZ.

4. Specifications
A complex is exploited at the following terms:
- of temperature range from -30оС to + 50oC;
- atmospheric pressure 84107cPa;
- relative air humidity to 98% at a temperature 25 oC.
A complex works at dose power 0,00006 - 0,006 Gr/hour.
By construction of complex the foreseen possibility of decontamination by slabolougnimi solutions of external surfaces in the case of their superficial contamination of the higher set norms.